How Does Privileged Access Management Work?


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What is Privileged Access Management?

Privileged Access Management is a combination of sophisticated cybersecurity strategies and technologies. PAM is used to command control over the privileged access of users and accounts within an IT ecosystem. 

What is a Privilege?

A privilege is a special advantage or right that normal elements of an environment do not enjoy. In IT terms, a privilege is an authority granted to certain users within an IT environment that allows them to bypass security restraints that non-privileged users face. Privileges also include the authority to perform crucial actions that may impact the entire network.

What does PAM do?

The primary function of PAM is to restrict privileged accesses and enforce “least privilege,” which means allowing minimum access to users within a computing network that allows them to execute only their designated tasks. PAM works with identity access management (IAM) to allow sophisticated control over all the credentials and privileges within an IT ecosystem.

Thus, PAM is a damage control mechanism for defending a computing network from an external attack or an internal threat. Appropriate PAM strategies help organisations mitigate damage and minimise the ecosystem’s vulnerable surface area. PAM also helps organisations be equipped to tackle threats arising out of negligence.

How does Privileged Access Management work?

Controlling and monitoring a computing network via Privileged Access Management is a sophisticated process involving a string of connected tasks. Here’s how things work in a computing network:

  • Every user in computing is allowed access to certain functions essential to performing routine tasks. 
  • Whenever a user needs to perform a task beyond the general access, they would require elevated permissions. 
  • Those in need of elevated permissions would make a request to a privileged account, submitting a detailed justification for their need for privileged activity.
  • After evaluation, the privileged account will approve or reject the request, which may also be subjected to inputs from a higher authority. 
  • Manage and secure all access from a central location
  • Quick deployment with little operational interruption
  • Adapts to existing security solutions allowing you to leverage all their capabilities
  • Supports advanced research and search using optical character recognition (OCR) technology throughout your Bastions
  • Easily meet compliance regulations
  • Improve incident response by coupling automatic response and mitigation with human control
  • Monitor, audit, and completely control privileges
  • Prevent attacks from insiders, privileged account escalation, and third-party access issues
  • Easily prove regulatory compliance
  • Optimize security
  • Reduce risk exposure
  • Review alerts in real-time

Why Mechsoft

Team of highly qualified engineers

Mechsoft Technologies prioritises quality in service by bringing highly experienced engineers onboard. Our engineers specialise in creating sophisticated cybersecurity solutions customised for optimum levels of safety. Likewise, Mechsoft keeps tab with the latest developments in the industry and extensively tests solutions to deliver the absolute best to our clients.

Extensive experience in IT ecosystem management

The biggest asset in strategic cybersecurity management is experience, and Mechsoft Technologies has that in plenty. Apart from serving clients for more than a decade, Mechsoft has built a team of IT professionals with extensive experience in the cybersecurity infrastructure and management. Thus, Mechsoft offers nuanced, balanced, and impactful solutions to keep your computing network secured at all times.

Comprehensive suite of cybersecurity solutions

Privileged Access Management is a part of cybersecurity strategy a network requires to function without disruptions. Mechsoft offers a comprehensive suite of integrated cybersecurity products, and our PAM offering is aligned to be compatible with and safeguard any IT network.

Expertise in digital transformation

Mechsoft was created to offer accessible digital transformation services. For more than a decade, our team has worked relentlessly to develop and refine products that allow organisations to take their computing networks to higher levels. We’ve helped numerous businesses to ace their IT ecosystems and grow exponentially in the due process.

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