How effective is multifactor authentication (MFA)?

Multifactor Authentication from Mechsoft Technologies

Traditional, not too secure process to access accounts includes entering your user name and password. Not so safe anymore. Hackers have become extremely successful in cracking any password. You need more than just passwords to protect your access to sensitive data. There’s an effective way to better protect your accounts with multi-factor authentication (MFA).

What is Mutifactor Authentication?

Multi-Factor Authentication, or MFA, is a multi-step verification process that provides an extra layer of security for the users’ accounts – a process that requires two or more validation factors to prove a user’s identity.

MFA provides your account with additional layers of security by requiring you, the user, to provide at least two of the following categories:

How effective is multifactor MFA authentication?

According to Microsoft, the MFA blocks more than 99.9% of account compromise attacks. It is also established that MFA is a critical component of Zero Trust’s security. Through phishing or credential stuffing attacks, cyber criminals may succeed in getting a user’s credentials. But with a strong multifactor authentication, its impossible for hackers to obtain the second authentication factor.

Also ReadWhat Is Business Process Automation?

Don’t settle for just any MFA solution

Not all MFA solutions are the same as the technologies behind them are quite different. Along with ‘Deviceless’, and ‘Passwordless’ features, there are several other criteria to consider when evaluating the security and user experience of every MFA. 

inWebo allows your users to access their applications securely and in a very simple way, whether they are in the office or remotely, with or without a connection, no matter which device they are using.

inWebo can be integrated into all your SaaS applications, VPN access solutions, Privileged Access Management (PAM), Single Sign-On (SSO), Identity and Access Management (IAM) and even from the design stage of your applications.

Click to Register for a free trial of our advanced Multifactor Authentication (MFA) solution.

Mail: rejoy@mechsoftme.com

Phone: +971 52 490 8692

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