Why Is VAPT Important?

Table of Contents With the rise in number of users, devices, and programs in a modern enterprise, combined with the increased storage/exchange of sensitive or confidential data, cybersecurity remains a growing concern. The increasing volume and sophistication of cyber attackers and attack techniques compound the problem even further. A continuously changing threat environment makes it… Continue reading Why Is VAPT Important?

Importance of the Security Operations Center (SOC)

Table of Contents In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, the threat landscape is continually shifting. Safeguarding against potential cyberattacks necessitates swift monitoring and response capabilities. Timely intervention is crucial because the longer a cyber security incident persists without remediation, the higher the potential for extensive damage and increased costs for the organisation. Security Operations Center (SOC) is… Continue reading Importance of the Security Operations Center (SOC)

What Are The Benefits Of PAM?

Table of Contents The most effective way for an organization to protect itself against breaches and attacks is with a robust and comprehensive cybersecurity system. Privileged Access Management solutions offer organizations with features that ensure complete protection against any accidental or deliberate misuse of privileged access by streamlining the authorization and monitoring of privileged users.… Continue reading What Are The Benefits Of PAM?